GRACE; the courage to move beyond perfection, perceived progress, protocol, and keeping it all together.
Today’s ambitious woman is encouraged to project confidence, strength, patience, femininity, selflessness, and results that generations before her never experienced.
This pressure to be all things is exhausting, and counter productive for your wellbeing.
When the perception of ourselves is aligned with our divine identity - rest, freedom, and ease no longer feel elusive.
This is when the practices and routines that cultivate our trust become our lifeline.
Daily recalibration.
The G.R.A.C.E. Self Care Method is a signature framework centered in five pillars:
Afformation (inquiry)
Self-Care Practice
This self guided experience includes:
10 Audio’s and 1 workbook curated to compliment your journey.
Total Value $47.00
Upgrade your wellbeing with an intentional daily practice.